One Month Anniversary

I haven’t posted in a while as I was busy being pregnant and taking care of a new baby.  Here is a new post inspired by that 🙂

photo courtesy of Laura Lee Moreau

One Month Anniversary

The past month has been a blur.
Days and nights blend together
as I spend all my time with you – 
feeding, burping, changing, holding
you over 20 hours a day.

With disheveled hair and stained clothes,
not knowing if I showered or brushed my teeth,
no time to read or watch TV,
not truly understanding your needs.
but trying to keep my sanity.

I stare into your big, bright eyes
and watch you lift your head to root.
My heart feels warm and fuzzy
watching you smile in your sleep.

Today, I sit in this room with you
listening to music from the monitor –
classic instrumentals,
like the ones you hear at weddings.

Time slows down,
the rest of the world fades away.

In this moment, it’s just you and me
and this memory.

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