The Sense of Urgency

I find it amusing to see cars race to cut me off only to be stopped at the red light, needing to brake furiously.  Americans are often in a hurry to accomplish so many things on a given day that they fail to see the beauty in the world.  I try not to be one of those people, so I make it a conscious decision to take a moment to breathe.

The Sense of Urgency

Cars on the freeway
speeding and braking,
braking and speeding,
drivers on the freeway
cursing and cussing,
cussing and cursing
because they’re gonna be late.

People in line
crossing their arms
stomping their feet
cursing and cussing,
cussing and cursing
because they’re gonna be late.

Tick, tock, tick tock
what is the meaning
of the clock?

Every delay
can make you late
for a meeting,
a workout,
a dinner,
a hangout,
or a sitcom
in bed.

Every delay
is an opportunity
to enjoy the moment,

to watch the  sun set
in brilliant colors,
to watch the rain reflect
off wet pavement,

to sing along
to a song,
to listen
to the angelic voice
of the cashier,

to see a child
from pure joy,
to simply
take a moment
for yourself
to cherish
every delay

every day
and make it well spent
because you never know
when your last delay
will be.

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